General Inquiries

Alcohol licensing is a complex business. We have provided a broad range of resources on the site. However, you may still have questions or suggestions for us.

Please use the form to reach us via email.

Our team will respond as soon as possible. We are a volunteer organization, so your patience is appreciated.


CLEAR Member Nomination

Do you know a community leader that is actively involved with City of Atlanta alcohol licensing for your neighborhood (or NPU)? CLEAR is accepting members to expand our representation.

If you would like to nominate someone to become part of the CLEAR Team, please complete the form below. One of our members will reach out to discuss next steps.

Nominees should have a deep knowledge of Chapter 10 and extensive experience with reviewing alcohol license applications and the enforcement challenges. Nominees will be asked to submit letters of support from their civic association and/or NPU leadership.

Please be sure to approach your nominee first and confirm their interest before submission.